Music for Choirs and Voices (Please click on the title to find more details)
M.Kishino-Worklist-2023.pdf (catalogue PDF download)
• Satsuki (May) (2000) for mixed choir, two trumpets, trombone and two percussionists
• Lo mes d’abriéu s’es en anat (April has gone) (2005) for 12 Women voices, Children's Choir and electronic soands
• Ichimai-Kishohmon (2011) for mixed choir, voices of Buddhist priests, Sho, Hichiriki, 20 Stringed-Koto, Percussions, string trio
• Ichimai-Kishohmon (2011) version for chor and Piano
• Prayer / Inori (2011) for mixed choir a capella
• Dialogue Invisible (2012) for 9 female voices
• Chant (2015) for Orchestra and Choir
• Prayer / Inori II (2011 / revised 2017) for 8 Voices
• Vokale (2017-2018) for choir a cappella divided into 3 groups
• Vokale, Gekürzte Fassung (2017-2018) for choir a cappella divided into 3 groups
Music with voice
•Battement (Schlag) (2003) for Bariton and Piano
•Hila – Hila to… (2009) for Countertenor and 7 players
•Miraiken kara (from futuresphere) (2012) for Noh-voice and Alto flute
•Farbe der Vokale (2019) for female voice, clarinet and piano
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC (Please click on the title to find more details)
M.Kishino-Worklist-2023.pdf (catalogue PDF download)
Choir and Orchestra
• Chant (2015) for Orchestra and Choir
• Du Firmament (2001-02) for orchestra
• Fluxus ac Refluxus (2008) for large orchestra, devided into 7 groups
• Zur Tiefe (2013) for large orchestra
• Shades of ochre (2017) for orchestra
•Ritus (2020) for large orchestra
• Wolkenatlas (2022) for large orchestra divided into three groups
• Himmelwärts II / Vers Le Ciel II (2007) for Flute, Percussions and 16 Strings
• Rayons Crépusculaires (2007-08) for Bass-Drum, large Ensemble devided into 3 groups and 8 channels-Live–Electronic
• Concerto pour Koto (2013) for koto and orchestra
• HELIODOR “Hymne for ein nicht existierendes Land” (2015) for trombone and large ensemble
• Ochres II (2017) for flute, oboe, clarinet and ensemble
• Infinity [∞] (2020) Concerto for Viola and Chamber Orchestra
• OUD (2020) Double Concerto for Marimba, Piano and Ensemble
• What the Thunder Said (2021) for Violoncello and Orchestra
• Percussion Concerto (2020-21) for Percussion and Orchestra
• Shades of Echoes (2021-22) for Oboe/English horn and Ensemble
Large Ensemble
• Danse du Zephyr (2002-03) for 17 players
•...Kaum einen Hauch..(2018) for 11 players
Chmber Music (3 to 9 players)
• Stratus - Altocumulus - Cirrus (2014) for 9 players divided into 3 groups
• Sensitive Chaos (2010) for E-Gitarre, Trumpet, Trombone, 2 Percussionistes, Piano and Violoncello
• Himmelsleiter (2006) for Alto-Flute, Bass-clarinet, Trumpet, Piano, Violine and Violoncello
• Himmelsleiter II (2006 - 2013 rév.) for Alto-Flute, Bass-clarinet, Trumpet, Harp, Violine and Violoncello
• Sange (2016) In memory of Yoshihisa Taira for six percussionistes
• Nox (Gold and Silver) (2021) for two clarinets and string quartet
• Nox (Gold and Silver) II (2023) for oboe, clarinet and string quartet
• Astral (2001) for Flute, Gitarre, Piano, Violine and Violoncello
• Himmelwärts / Vers le ciel (2006) for Flute, Percussions, Violine, Viola and Violoncello
• Aqua Vitae II (2010) for Alto flute, Bass-clarinet, Percussions, Violine and Violoncello
• Epure (1998-99) for String quartet
• Seventeen Steps (2006) for Alto flute, Violine, Bass-Koto and Piano
• Naki-Ryu II (Flutter Echo) (2018) for String quartet
• Schmetterlingstanz (2023) for String quartet
• Erwachen (2007) for Great bass recorder, Bass-Koto and Percussion
• Erwachen II (2008) for Bass flute, Bass-Koto and Percussion
• Monochromer Garten II (2011) for Bass-clarinet, Bariton saxophon and Trombone
• Ochres (2016) for flut, oboe and clarinet
• Scintillation (2002) for Piano and Cembalo
• Epanouissement II (2004) for Bass flute and Harp
• Halo (2007) for two Bass Clarinets
• Vague des Passions (2010) for Marimbaphone and Vibraphone
• Monochromer Garten (2011) for Accordeon and Violoncello
• Lamento (2013) ~ based on a folk song from Fukushima ~ for two violins
• Lamento II (2013 – rev.14) ~ based on a folk song from Fukushima ~ for Violin and Viola
• Monochromer Garten VII (2015) for Recorder and Percussion
• Danse automnale de feuilles vermeilles (1997) for Piano
• Epanouissement (2003) for Violoncello
• Koi Hanété...(2006) for Piano. Based a Haiku of Shiki Masaoka
• Monochromer Garten III (2011) for Timpani
• Monochromer Garten IV (2012) for 30 stringed Koto
• Monochromer Garten V (2013) for a koto player
• Monochromer Garten VI (2015) for Viola
• Viola (2016) for Percussion
• Naki-ryu (flutter echo) 2018 for oboe solo
• Fragrant Wood (2019) for Marimba Solo
• Air Song (2020) for Organ
• Nox (Blue) (2021) for clarinet,
• Snow Moon Wind and Flowers (2023) for Baroque Violin
Series „Monochromer Garten“
• Monochromer Garten (2011) for Accordeon and Violoncello
• Monochromer Garten II (2011) for Bass-clarinet, Bariton saxophon and Trombone
• Monochromer Garten III (2011) for Timpani
• Monochromer Garten IV (2012) for 30 stringed Koto
• Monochromer Garten V (2013) for a koto player
• Monochromer Garten VI (2015) for Viola
• Monochromer Garten VII (2015) for Recorder and Percussion
Series „Nox“
• Nox (Blue) (2021) for clarinet
• Nox (Gold and Silver) (2021) for two clarinets and string quartet
• Nox (Gold and Silver) II (2023) for oboe, clarinet and string quartet
Music for Video and Dance
• Shades (2021-22) for Flute, Percussion, Dance and Video
Music for String Quartet
• Epure (1998-99) for String quartet
• Naki-Ryu II (Flutter Echo) (2018) for String quartet
• Schmetterlingstanz (2023) for String quartet
• Nox (Gold and Silver) (2021) for two clarinets and string quartet
• Nox (Gold and Silver) II (2023) for oboe, clarinet and string quartet
Music for Percussion
• Rayons Crépusculaires (2007-08) for Bass-Drum, large Ensemble devided into 3 groups and 8 channels-Live–Electronic
• Lebensfunke (2007, rév.10) for Bass-Drumand Electronic
• Lebensfunke II (2010) for Bass-Drum and 8 channels-Live-Electronic
• Monochromer Garten III (2011) for Timpani
• Viola (2016) for Percussion
• Sange (2016) In memory of Yoshihisa Taira for six percussionistes
• Fragrant Wood (2019) for Marimba Solo
• OUD (2020) Double Concerto for Marimba, Piano and Ensemble
• Percussion Concerto (2020-21) for Percussion and Orchestra
Instrumental Music with Electronic (Please click on the title to find more details)
M.Kishino-Worklist-2023.pdf (catalogue PDF download)
• Irisation Aquatique (2002) for Bass clarinet, Piano, Violoncello and elektronic sounds
• Eclosion (2005) for Harp and 9 channels-Live-Electronic
• Lo mes d’abriéu s’es en anat (April has gone) (2005) for 12 Women voices
• Abstentia (2005) for Dance and Electronic
• Lebensfunke (2007, rév.10) for Bass-Drumand Electronic
• Rayons Crépusculaires (2007-08) for Bass-Drum, large Ensemble devided into 3 groups and 8 channels-Live–Electronic
• Aqua vitae (2008) for two Piano, two (Water-)Percussions and 8 channelsl-Live-Electronic
• Qualia (2009) for Bass-Koto and 10 channels-Live-Electronic
• Lebensfunke II (2010) for Bass-Drum and 8 channels-Live-Electronic
• Ra (2019-20) for Viola and Live-Electronic
• Shades (2021-22) for Flute, Percussion, Dance and Video
MONOCHROMER GARTEN (2011) pour Accordéon et Violoncelle
MONOCHROMER GARTEN II (2011) pour Clarinette basse, Saxophone barytone et Trombone
MONOCHROMER GARTEN III (2011) pour Timbale solo
MONOCHROMER GARTEN IV (2012) pour Koto à 30 cordes
MONOCHROMER GARTEN VI (2015) pour Alto solo
MONOCHROMER GARTEN VII (2015) pour Flûte à bec et Percussion
MONOCHROMER GARTEN VIII (2016) pour Alto flûte
Satsuki (2000)
Pour chœurs mixtes, trompette, trombone et deux percussions